BiSS Association e.V. is enabled to confer free of charge BiSS licenses to device manufacturers and BiSS users with the BiSS Device Manufacturer Agreement (BDMA).
The BDMA enables free-of-charge usage of BiSS IPs (e.g. patents and trademarks) for device manufacturers. It describes the conditions (rights and duties) for using and advertising of BiSS.
The purchase of ICs or devices with implemented BiSS interface from iC-Haus GmbH or licensed manufacturers or BDMs does not automatically include a license to use the BiSS IPs (e.g. for marketing). Users of the BiSS Interface have to apply for their own license.
An implementation of the BiSS protocol within own ICs/IPs (FPGA, PLD, ASIC, DSP, MCU, Processor, …) for the use in self developed devices (for example encoders or sensors), requires a BiSS Device Manufacturer (BDM) Agreement.
Implementation of the BiSS C protocol within own BiSS ICs/IPs and marketing of these BiSS ICs/IPs, requires a BiSS IC/IP-Provider (BICIPP) Agreement which is concluded directly with the IP holder iC-Haus.
Please Contact us for further details regarding the license.